Weapons Carry License FAQs

Georgia Weapons Carry License FAQ

The purpose of this document is to answer some of the questions we get from citizens who are interested in applying for a Georgia Weapons Carry License (WCL).

  1. Where can I carry my weapons?
    This is the Courts most frequently asked question, and it is one that cannot be legally answered either by the staff or the judge. The best way to find the answer to this question is to begin with a review of the O.C.G.A. §§16-11-126 through 16-11-136. You can find these code sections either online or at your local library.

  2. How much does it cost to get a WCL?
    The initial cost to apply for a license is $80.25, broken down as follows: $31.00 cash or check to the Probate Court AND $49.25 by debit card, credit card or money order (this fee is for your fingerprints). After you pay all fees to the Probate Court, you will go to the UPS store to have your fingerprints done. If you qualify for a renewal license, the cost is the $31.00 application fee only. If you can renew but your license will expire before you receive your new license, you can pay $1.00 for a temporary license until your renewal comes in.

  3. Do I need to go to the Sheriff’s Office to get fingerprinted?
    No, we are contracted with the UPS store, which is a GAPS location, to do your fingerprints (GAPS stands for Georgia Applicant Processing Services).

  4. I already have a WCL and simply need to get it renewed. Do I have to go through the whole application and fingerprint process again?
    Depends. If your license has been expired for more than 30 days, then yes. If it has not expired or has been expired for less than 30 days, then you will not be fingerprinted again (unless you insist).

  5. Where do I get a concealed firearm permit?
    In regards to firearms, this Court only issues a Georgia Weapons Carry License. See O.C.G.A §16-11-129. It has also been called, among other things, a Pistol Toter’s Permit, a Carry Permit, Georgia Firearms License, and a Concealed Weapon Permit.

  6. Where do I register my firearms?
    It is the understanding of this Court that, in the state of Georgia, you are not required to register your firearms. Again, check with your local law enforcement agency for any local rules.

  7. How long will it take to get my license after I apply?
    The answer to this question varies significantly. Some applicants have fingerprints that are difficult to read electronically and are required to be printed a second time. If the electronic prints are not accepted, it may be necessary to submit printed cards which can take several months to be deciphered by the F.B.I. and the G.B.I. Also, non-fingerprint based criminal histories, including this NICS check, are name-based only and sometimes require additional time to sift through depending on the applicant’s name. In addition to bad prints, some applicants have criminal histories which lack dispositions, need to be interpreted, or have other issues.

    If there may be a delay in issuing the license, the applicant will be given notice of the issue with their application and how the issue may be resolved. Due to many variables involved with obtaining a complete criminal history, the staff will be unable to provide you with specifics as to when you will receive your license. If there are no issues, you will receive your new license in 2 to 3 weeks.

  8. What would prevent me from receiving a WCL?
    For a list of things that would render an applicant ineligible to receive a WCL, please see O.C.G.A. §§16-11-129. For a list of Federal and State of Georgia disqualifications, see our “Forms and Documents” page.

  9. I was fingerprinted when I joined the United States Military in 1978. Don’t you already have my fingerprints on file?
    Fingerprints are not stored in this office. They are simply a unique identifier, much like a person’s name, that is used as a means of reference in order to obtain a (hopefully) complete criminal history.

  10. I’ve applied for a WCL and have been denied due to my criminal history containing multiple felony and drug convictions. Do I get my money back?
    No refunds will be granted for applications.